Stories of the haverstick

This is OUR SPACE and we want to make this YOUR PLACE to belong, create and collaborate. These are just some of the stories of people who have made this their place.



"I started coming here around the new year to work on my school work. Finishing up college has been tough but the haverstick has made it easy for me to get work done and be as productive as possible."



"Before The Haverstick opening I would have to drop my daughter off at the ECC and head to the local starbucks. Now that The Haverstick has opened I have a place where I can come and work and have my own little space here. It's a home away from home."



Dreaming of what this place could be for me was easy. I saw a place where I could come and have meetings with my business partners and even my clients. This is a place where good coffee and it is followed up by a welcoming atmosphere and a caring staff